Our ads are sold on a CPM or cost-per-mile (1,000 ad views) basis.
Premium units are sold at a higher cost, based on viewability.
Buying multiple units can reduce the overall cost.

Advertising available across Lambgoat, No Echo, Ghost Cult, Metal Insider, This Day In Metal, and Nu Metal Agenda.

Display Ad CPM Rates:
Site Takeover: $15 - $22
Video: $12 - $18
Jumbo Leaderboard: $8 - $14
Leaderboard / Sticky Footer: $6 - $12
Skyscraper: $4 - $8
In-Article: $2 - $6

CPM rates vary by geo-targeting, keyword targeting, etc.
No targeting, lower costs. More targeting, higher.
Discounts are available on volume orders.
Packages start at only $300.

Examples below show how ad units appear on our sites.

Site Takeover:

Jumbo Leaderboard:

Sticky Footer:

